Top 10 Hits


Artists / Bands

Hatsune Miku

  1. [it's Not] World's End
  2. ○+●
  3. 1/6 (Out of The Gravity)
  4. 1925
  5. 1year
  6. 2Dimensional Dream Fever
  7. 39 (Thank You)
  8. Acute
  9. Adam
  10. After Resolution
  11. Age
  12. Ageage Agein
  13. Ai no Uta
  14. Aishite (versión en español)
  15. Akai Namida
  16. Akaito
  17. Akane Sasu
  18. Akari
  19. Akatsuki Arrival
  20. Akatsuki no Kuruma
  21. Albino
  22. Alice
  23. Alice In Black Market
  24. Alice Of Human Sacrifice
  25. Alien Alien
  26. Ame Nochi Sweet Drops
  27. Anata No Utahime
  28. Angel Voice
  29. Anger (translation)
  30. Ano Ko Secret
  31. Anonymous Fanfare
  32. Anti-Digitalism
  33. April Fool
  34. Apriloop
  35. As You Like It
  36. Astraea -Blue Mix-
  37. Astro Troopers
  38. Aurora
  39. Babylon
  40. Bacterial Contamination
  41. Bad Apple
  42. Ballet Mécanique
  43. Banshee Strikes
  44. Be My Sacrifice
  45. BEAT!
  46. Beautiful Lies
  47. Before After
  48. Before I Was Born
  49. Believe In Your Self
  50. Beware Of Miku Miku Bacteria
  51. Birthday (Ryuryu)
  52. Bitter Majesty
  53. Black Or White (feat. Yunosuke)
  54. Black Rock Shooter
  55. Bless Your Breath
  56. Blue
  57. Blue Bird
  58. Boss Death
  59. BREAK IT
  60. BREAK IT
  61. Breaking Things Into Pieces
  62. BU-LA-LA
  63. Bungaku shounen no Yuutsu
  64. Burenai Ai De
  65. Burst!
  66. Bye Bye Goodbye
  67. Cactus and mirage
  68. Calc
  69. Can't I even Dream?
  70. Cántame
  71. Cantarella
  72. Cat Food
  73. Cat's Dance
  74. Catch The Wave
  75. Celestial Symphony
  76. Cendrillon
  77. Chain Girl
  78. Chaining Intention
  79. Chocolate Train
  80. Chousou
  81. Circus Monster
  82. Clock Lock Works
  83. Closed Blue
  84. Coffin Of Sweet Death
  85. Color
  86. Confessions Of a Rotten Girl
  87. Corpse Attack!
  88. Corpse Dance
  89. Counterclockwise
  90. Crack
  91. Cracolândia
  92. Crazy Clown
  93. Cremation Melody
  94. Cruel Angel's Thesis
  95. Cruel Clocks
  96. Cygnus
  97. Dark Alice
  98. Dark to Light
  99. Dead End
  100. Dear
  101. Dear Cocoa Girls
  102. Dear You
  103. Deep-sea Girl
  104. Delusion Girl
  105. Depression Of The Young Literati
  106. Desappearence
  107. Diarrhea
  108. Disillusioned (Umitagari)
  109. Divine Comedy
  110. Dramaturgy
  111. Dream To The Future
  112. Drem Crow Shadow
  113. Eazy Dance
  114. Echo
  115. Eight Hundred
  116. El Regalo de La Princesa Que Te Ara Dormir
  117. Electric Angel
  118. Electro Saturator
  119. Electro-world
  120. Electrostatic Human (イデンキニンゲン)
  121. Eletric Angel
  122. Eletric Love
  123. Elevator
  124. Emotion & Reason
  125. Enko Girl
  126. Envy Cat Walk
  127. Eres Un Niño Inútil
  128. Escape
  129. Eve
  130. Everwhite
  131. Fake Doll
  132. Fake Lover
  133. Fake Smile
  134. Falldown
  135. Fallin' Love At First Sight
  136. Finder
  137. Fix
  138. Fleeting Reality
  139. Florescer
  140. Forbidden Canvas
  141. Four Signals
  142. Free Open Blue Sky
  143. Freely Tomorrow
  144. from Y to Y
  145. Full Moon Side
  146. Fushimegachi Na Shoujo
  147. Futari Nomoji Pittan
  148. Getcha
  149. Ghost Rule
  150. Ghosts Play To The Audience
  151. Gift of The Princess Who Brought Sleep
  152. Gigantic Girl (Kyodai Shoujo)
  153. Gimme×Gimme
  154. Glass Wall
  155. Glorius Day
  156. Glow
  157. God Knows
  158. God Slaying Machine
  159. Gomene Gomene
  160. Goodbye
  161. Guard & Scythe
  162. Guilty Rose
  163. Halloween Monster Party Night
  164. Hato
  165. Hatsukoi Riguretto
  166. Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu
  167. Hatsune Miku No Uta
  168. Hayabusa
  169. Heart Beat
  170. Heart Groove
  171. Heartbreaker
  172. Heki I Usagi
  173. Hello / How Are You
  174. Hello, Again
  175. Hello, Planet
  176. Hibana
  177. Hibikase
  178. Hikari
  179. Himitsu Keisatsu
  180. Hocus Pocus Cooking
  181. Hold, Release; Rakshasa and Carcasses
  182. Hoshi no Kakera
  183. Hoshizora Ni Negau Wo Komete
  184. Hyakunen no Koi
  185. I Miss You
  186. I Wanna Be Your World
  187. Ievan Polkka
  188. In a Rainy Town, Ballons Dance With Devil
  189. In The Rain
  190. Innocence
  191. Insomniac
  192. Intergalactic Bound (feat. Yunosuke & CircusP)
  193. Irodori Mirai
  194. Irony
  195. Jenga
  196. Jeshika
  197. Jisatsu Bushi
  198. Jisatsu No Uta
  199. Jishou Mushoku ( Self Inflicted Achromatic)
  200. Joker
  201. Joking Speaker
  202. JUVENILE (feat. JIN)
  203. Kagerou Days
  204. Kaikai Emaki
  205. Kakusa Shakai
  206. Kanaria
  207. Kantarera
  208. Kara Kara Kara No Kara
  209. Karakuri Pierrot
  210. Kataware Orugouru
  211. Kawaki
  212. Kesa, Boku Ga Shinda You Desu (Apparently, I've Died This Morning)
  213. Killign Harmony
  214. Kimagure Mercy
  215. Kimi No Kamisama Ni Naritai
  216. kimi no taion
  217. Kipple Industry Inc.
  218. Kiss
  219. Kocchi Muite Baby
  220. Kocchi Muite Baby
  221. Kuma Beat!
  222. Ladies First
  223. Lamentation Of Kalmia
  224. Last Night ,good Night (japones)
  225. Last Night, Good Night
  226. Left Behind City
  227. Lemoned I Scream
  228. Lie
  229. Light Song
  230. Lilium
  231. Little Parade
  232. Lonely Shit
  233. Looking Inside
  234. Lost House
  235. Lost My Music
  236. Lost Story
  237. Love is War
  238. Love Is War (translation)
  239. Love Words (Ai Kotoba)
  240. Lucky Orb
  241. Luminous Point
  242. Lynne
  244. Macaron
  245. Mama
  246. Maruku Naru
  247. Mata Ne
  248. Matryoshka
  249. Melody
  250. Melody (translation)
  251. Melody Line
  252. Melt
  253. Melt (translation)
  254. Merry Bad End
  255. Message in our Silence
  256. Meteor
  257. Meteore
  258. Miku - Hatsune Miku (feat. Anamanaguchi)
  259. Miku Miku Kin nI Gochuui!
  260. Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru
  261. Miku's Rain
  262. Mikumikuni Shiteageru
  263. Mirishima Romeo To Cinderella
  264. Miseenen
  265. Mono Crossroad
  266. Monochrome ∞ blue sky
  267. Moon
  268. Moon Demon (Tsuki No Youkai)
  269. Mousou Sketch
  270. Mr. Alice
  271. Mrs Pumpkin's Comical Dream
  272. Muri da yo
  273. Mushroom Mother
  274. Music Box
  275. Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu To Mukuro
  276. MUTE
  277. My Friend Was Good At Drawing
  278. My World (My Time)
  279. Nansensu Bungaku
  280. Nape Of The Neck
  281. Nebula
  282. Neirocraft
  283. Nekomimi Archive
  284. Netoge Haijin Sprechchor
  285. Neverland
  286. Night Before Sakura (Sakura no Zenya)
  287. Nisoku Houkou (Two Breaths Walking)
  288. Nonsense Speaker
  289. Oblivion
  290. Odd&ends
  291. Odds&ends
  292. Ohedo Julia Night
  293. Ojama Mushi
  294. Okotowari Shimasu
  295. On My Way Home
  296. One Night Fairy Tale
  297. One Night Girl
  298. One Of Repetion
  299. Ônibus
  300. Online Game Addicts
  301. Orange Genome
  302. Oratorio
  303. Our Music
  304. Over
  305. Packaged
  306. Packet Hero
  307. Palette World Breakdown
  308. Parade of Liars
  309. Paradise Meisekimu
  310. Parameter
  311. Party Girl
  312. Patchwork Staccato (Tsugihagi Staccato)
  313. Piano X Forte X Scandal
  314. Pinky Swear
  315. Planet Loop
  316. Platinum
  317. Plot:0
  318. Po Pi Po
  319. Poka Poka Planet
  320. Ponkotsu Tenshi
  321. Project Diva Desu
  322. Promise
  323. Psycho
  324. Psychokinesis
  325. Puppet
  326. Puzzle
  327. Qualia
  328. Rabbit Hole
  329. Rain
  330. Rain Stain
  331. Rakshasa And Carcasses
  332. Rapunzel, Rapunzel
  333. Rat Ga Shinda (Rats Died)
  334. Ray (feat. BUMP OF CHICKEN)
  335. Real-Life Stupid Game
  336. Reboot
  337. Redial
  338. Reflect
  339. Remaining Light
  340. Reverse Rainbow
  341. Rin/Len Kagamine
  343. Roling Girl
  344. Rolling Girl
  345. Rubik's Cube
  346. Saihate (Farewell Song)
  347. Sakasama Reinboo Romaji
  348. Sakura No Ame
  349. Sakura Zensen Ijou Nashi
  350. Samidare Renka
  351. Sarishinohara
  352. Sayonara Goodbye
  353. Sayonara Ieru Kana
  354. Sayonara, World End
  355. Scene
  356. Scissorhands
  357. Seaside
  358. Secret Poli
  359. Sekiranun Grafiti
  360. Self-inflicted Achromatic
  361. Senbonzakura
  362. Seraphim On The Ring
  363. Setsuna
  364. Shake It!
  365. Sharing The World
  366. Shiawase No Kotoba (Words Of Happiness)
  367. Shibuya (feat. Hatsune Miku)
  368. Shijukunichi eyes
  369. Shinitagari
  370. Shinkai Summit
  371. Shippaisaku Shoujo
  372. Shoegaze Life
  373. Shotgun Lovers
  374. Shoujo Rei
  375. Shujin (Prisioner)
  376. Sick Sick Sick
  377. Sin & Punishment
  378. Sin And Punishment
  379. Sing My Love
  380. Sinking Feeling
  381. Sirius
  382. Six Steps
  383. Sky Of Beginning
  384. Sleeping Beauty
  385. Sono Ichiban Slowmotion
  386. SoundScaper
  387. Souvenir
  388. Spica
  389. SPL
  390. Starduster
  391. Stargazer
  392. Starlite Lydian
  393. Strobe Light
  394. Strobe Nights
  395. Strobo Nights
  396. Su-Su-Su-Su, Suki, Daaisuki!
  397. Suicide Song
  398. Summer Idol
  399. Sweetie
  400. Symphony
  401. Tanzanite
  402. Tawagoto Speaker
  403. Teach Me!
  404. Tell Your World
  405. Tenohira Wonderland
  406. Teo
  407. That One Second in Slow Motion
  408. The 9th
  409. The Dawn Of a Rival
  410. The Disappearance
  411. The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku
  412. The Dispparance
  413. The Full Course for Candy Addicts
  414. The Game Of Life
  415. The Garnet
  416. The Path Of Eternal Hapiness I Found It
  417. The Phantom Of The Opera
  418. The secret garden
  419. The Sick Princess
  420. The Tale Of A 10 Year Old Vampire Queen
  421. The world is not mine anymore
  422. Three Queens
  423. Today The Future (feat. HarryP)
  424. Tokoyo
  425. Tokyo Hyakki Yakou
  426. Tokyo Retro
  427. Top Secret
  428. Tori no Uta
  429. Torinoko City
  430. Tower Of Sunz
  431. Toy Box
  432. True My Heart
  433. Tsukiyo No Mori
  434. Tsumi No Namae
  435. Two-faced Lovers
  436. Undefined (feat. Tiara)
  437. Unestablished Title.txt
  438. Unfragment
  439. Unhappy Refrain
  440. Uninstall
  441. Uraomote Lovers
  442. Viva Happy
  443. VOC@LOID
  444. Voice
  445. Watashi No R
  446. Watchmaker And Dream
  447. Wavefile
  448. Weekender Girl
  449. What do You Mean
  450. When The First Love Ends
  451. White Letter
  452. White Snow Princess
  453. Wine Berry
  454. Witch Hunt
  455. With a Dance Number
  456. World Is Mine (translation)
  457. World's End Dance Hall
  458. World's End Umbrella
  459. Yellow
  460. Yokkora Sex
  461. Yonjuunana
  462. Youkoso Ren'ai Byouin he
  463. Your Word, My Word
  464. Yukkuri To Shiteitte
  465. Yume Miru Kotori
  466. Yume no Tsuzuki
  467. Yuuhi Saka
  468. Zureteiku
  469. Zutto (For A Long Time)
  470. アシッド ドリーム (Acid Dream)
  471. あなぐらぐらし (hole-dwelling)
  472. アンビバレンツ (Ambivalent) (feat. Vocaloid)
  473. ヴァンパイア (The Vampire) (feat. Deco*27)
  474. うそつき (usotsuki)
  475. オーネヘルツ (ohne herz)
  476. オブソミート (Obsolete Meat) (feat. Kasane Teto)
  477. カルチャ / ツミキ (feat. Tsumiki)
  478. キャンディークッキーチョコレート (CandyCookieChocolate) (feat. Kasane Teto & Hallo Cel)
  479. すずめとかまいたち (suzume to kamaitachi)
  480. プラグアウト
  481. ぽっぴっぽー (PoPiPo)
  482. マインドブランド (Mind Brand)
  483. マグネット (Magnet)
  484. メズマライザー (Mesmerizer)
  485. ラブヘイト (Love Hate)
  486. リスポーン (risupōn)
  487. レスト (Rest)
  488. レモンメロンクッキー (Lemon Melon Cookie)
  489. レントリリーLentlily
  490. ロミオとシンデレラ (Romeo And Cinderella)
  491. ワールドイズマイン (World Is Mine)
  492. 三日月ステップ (mikazuki step)
  493. 初音天地開闢神話 (Hatsune tenchikaibyaku shinwa)
  494. 匿名M (Anonymous M) (feat. ARuFa & PinocchioP)
  495. 千本桜 (Senbonzakura)
  496. 地獄はどこですエンマさま (jigoku wa doko desu enma-sama)
  497. 壊人間機械 (Broken Human Machine) (feat. Machigerita-P)
  498. 天鵞絨アラベスク (Velvet Arabesque)
  499. 愛して 愛して 愛して (aishite aishite aishite)
  500. 手を上げな (Mãos Para Cima) (feat. Mellowcle)
  501. 故にユーエンミ― (Therefore You And Me) (feat. TadanoCo)
  502. 殺人ロイド (Murderloid)
  503. 淑女ベリィの作り方 (shukujo berry no tsukurikata)
  504. 片想いサンバ (kataomoi samba)
  505. 驫麤~とりぷるばか~ (Triple Baka)

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.