
Bli milim eleicha adaber
guf yomar rishon ach'rav halev
rotzah otcha kol neshimah,
ahuv sheli chaver
yoda'at she'asur li levater.

Lefanaich lo karah davar
rak yamim cholfim besheket menukar
pit'om motze bachol zahav,
kolet bach et ha'or
yode'a she'otach li eshmor.

Al tishkach, al tishkach
nag'anu bash'vuah hazot kol kach
uvetochecha sufah shel esh
vehapanim hem melat'fim.

Bishe'ari atah achshav over
bish'vuat olam bo'er
noten becha/bach ot nichrat amok,
daver shemitgaber
ani rak ohev(et) yoter.

Al tishkach...


All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.